When you need a boost.

Whether we like it or not, our energy affects every aspect of our day. When we talk about energy we mean the physical, mental/emotional, and vibrational power we carry with us. The third step in the energy recipe is managing it.

These are simple tools to raise your energy, and change your day.

  • Move your body.

  • Listen to your favorite song.

  • Make eye contact and offer a sincere compliment to someone around you.

  • Grab a cup of your favorite coffee or tea.

  • Take a short walk.

  • Complete a quick task.

  • Breathe deeply.

  • Set and meet a goal.

  • Get some fresh air.

  • Talk to someone you love.

  • Dance break.

  • Eat food that fuels you.

  • Find flexibility in your schedule.

  • Ask for help on energy draining tasks.

  • Get enough sleep.

  • Wear the fancy underwear.

  • Have positive intentions and beliefs.

  • Hydrate.

  • Name three things you are grateful for.

  • Get up from the desk.

  • Switch tasks.

  • Meditate.

  • Put on lipstick.

  • Practice Qi Gong.

  • Hire a virtual assistant.

We are always available for a discovery call if virtual assistant services can aid in managing your energy!


How’s your energy?